This will be a short post, but I had to write it down...I am sad right now....I just posted my Canon Powershot S1 IS camera on eBay. It has a problem with the flash and I decided to buy a new camera instead of working on getting the issues resolved...but now that it's posted, I am sitting here thinking about how much my camera and I have been through. I bought it for over $350 at a time when I had that much to blow. I bought it and happily carried it everywhere with me for over 4 years. We have a history, it and I. So I just have to say..."Thank you camera for the years of helping me to preserve memories, smiles, hugs, events, and life in general. Thank you for never questioning when I pushed you to take a shot that seemed like a stretch, or was of something stupid like my dinner. Thank you for keeping that spot in my purse full just in case I wanted to take an impulse picture of something....anything. Thank you for being my first digital camera. Thank you for giving yourself to the cause of picture taking so selflessly. You will never know how much I appreciated you. I know I took you for granted, and I apologize for that. I love you camera."
Okay maybe that wasn't as short as I thought...but there, it's done.
Welcoming to the Blogosphere!! I'm adding you to my Google reader blog feed, so I'll always be able to see each new post! Hurray!
p.s. - This was a good blog length...to much longer and I'd lose interest... ;)
I completely understand how you can become attached to camera equipment. It feels like you are selling a child. My favorite camera was a little Nikon 35mm. It had great optics and took amazing pictures, but I had the nasty habit of dropping it. Actually had it repaired TWICE ($$$$) - probably would have been cheaper to buy a new camera and trash this one, but Nikon no longer made that model and I loved it. Finally the whole body disintigrated in my hands the last time I used it. It was a very sad day.