Friday, January 30, 2009


Well right now I am sitting in my trusty recliner waiting for a guy to show up who is supposed to be buying one of my guitars. Let me explain. When I have mentioned this to other people they grow concerned because they think I am "Giving up music". To be completely honest, as hard as I tried to learn (for a few months a few years ago to impress a guy, but we won't get into that), I just don't have the coordination. Not to mention this particular guitar is pretty "full-figured" so I have a hard time holding it properly to even begin to learn how to play. I also have an electric/acoustic which I find to be much more "my size". Maybe some day YEARS down the road I will pick up my guitar and miraculously be able to duel Lynyrd Skynrd. Who knows?!? As for now, I will stick with Guitar Hero World Tour and dream of dueling days....

Tata for now.


Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Well today my camera I wrote about a few posts back sold on eBay. It sold for a total of $29.99, not too bad I don't think!!! I gotta admit when I saw the bid I had a mixture of feelings: happiness, sadness, regret, hope, eagerness....wait maybe all these weren't just for the camera. hmmm....anyway, I've been cleaning out alot at my house, listing items for sale that I don't use anymore. Gives me a sense of accomplishment. Tomorrow is my day off...I wonder what I will do then?? Maybe N. and I can go pick out paint colors...we've been meaning to do that for the last week or so. We really want to "Warm up" our living room, right now its white walls, white door, white blinds etc, so we want to create a "focus wall" in a darker shade, and we already bought suede curtains in shades of tan/brown/coffee colors, etc....oh well, another day is done, and here I am again sitting in my trusty recliner and watching my dog sleep peacefully at my feet. Oh the joys of a life well lived. Night all...


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Good day...

Today N. and I had lunch with my mother-in-law and her housemate, we had a great time, talking and discussing life. When we left N. found out that he got a job he applied for at the beginning of January!! We are so excited. Things are really going well for us right now, after all the plumbing problems of the last month and a half it is a relief to be able to celebrate without the underlying dread of other issues unresolved. We have been doing alot of organizing/cleaning/clearing out at our house, just getting rid of things we kept when we moved but have done nothing with since then. I know it's frustrating for him to do all that kind of stuff, but for me it makes me feel much more focused. I don't do well in "cluttered" or dirty areas, I like to be able to focus on what I want to do instead of focusing on all the miscellaneous items around me. Anyway, just relaxing now, Fenway is taking a nap and my recliner is feeling pretty darn comfy :). Have a great day!!!


Friday, January 23, 2009

I know I'm weird.

I feel so successful, yesterday N. and I went to Wal-Mart and got a "broom/mop" organizer, got it hung on the wall and all of the cleaning tools mounted. Today we got an entertainment center, got it cleaned, put the TV, Wii, DVDs and VHSs on it for display. I love getting new things for the house, or organzing and giving away items we no longer need. THANK GOD FOR FREECYCLE!! hehehe. This is a short post since I have a headache, thanks for reading :) Happy Weekend!!!!


Wednesday, January 21, 2009


This will be a short post, but I had to write it down...I am sad right now....I just posted my Canon Powershot S1 IS camera on eBay. It has a problem with the flash and I decided to buy a new camera instead of working on getting the issues resolved...but now that it's posted, I am sitting here thinking about how much my camera and I have been through. I bought it for over $350 at a time when I had that much to blow. I bought it and happily carried it everywhere with me for over 4 years. We have a history, it and I. So I just have to say..."Thank you camera for the years of helping me to preserve memories, smiles, hugs, events, and life in general. Thank you for never questioning when I pushed you to take a shot that seemed like a stretch, or was of something stupid like my dinner. Thank you for keeping that spot in my purse full just in case I wanted to take an impulse picture of something....anything. Thank you for being my first digital camera. Thank you for giving yourself to the cause of picture taking so selflessly. You will never know how much I appreciated you. I know I took you for granted, and I apologize for that. I love you camera."

Okay maybe that wasn't as short as I thought...but there, it's done.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Well another night sitting in front of my trusty laptop (knock on wood) and pondering what I should do. I guess I should introduce myself and a few things I am interested in....I am Missy, I live in the grand United States of America and just bought my own piece of the American dream...a house. I know many people will shake their heads as they read my future posts about the uncertainties of homeownership, and will most likely take no empathy on me at all, since, really I am the one who got myself into this mess. I have always dreamed of owning my own home and feel honored to have the ability to do that. So I can assure you in the coming days, weeks, years (if I last that long) you will have the distinct pleasure of reading of my homeowner woes.

Moving on....

I am married to a wonderful man I will call N. We have been married almost 2 1/2 years (although there are many times I feel like "Wife" is a new term for me). He is amazing. He is a very hard worker, who does everything in his power to provide for us and "our little black baby". Let me clarify...our baby is a black lab/husky mix named Fenway. I am not afraid to use his real name, nor do I feel that I need to create an alias for him for confidentiality sake. I think he will be fine with me using his true name. Now Fenway is a challenge in itself....let me tell you how we got about bringing our baby home.

***I am an avid freecycle member in our area and had the pleasure to go to a certain member's house multiple times for pickups of various nature. It seems she and I literally asked for everything the other offered (clothes, shoes, purses, decor, etc) day while at her house doing a "pickup" this black dog comes running through the living room, plops down next to me at her front door, and lays his head against my leg. I was a bit startled, but loving animals, it didn't concern me much. She seemed equally surprised and said something to the effect of "Wow, that's amazing, he doesn't act that way around anyone!! Would you like him?"...I would love to say that I said "YES!" and took him home, but thats not the way it works....the duplex we were living in would not allow us to have dogs, so we vowed when we bought a home of our own that we would find the perfect pet to come join us. Fast forward about 5 months....I am browsing my Freecycle emails and there is a post of "OFFER: Black Lab/Husky Mix" from the lady I always did pickups from...I read the description and realized she was offering the very dog I had met months ago. I emailed her and asked when she needed him picked up (we were already in the process of house hunting but had not found the perfect home yet)...she said within the week since they were being restationed with the military. I was devastated. I felt as though this dog had chosen me months before, and here I was not being able to return the favor. She ended up finding a "foster family" that was willing to house Fenway until we were able to bring him home. I had the name, phone #, etc of the foster family and planned on going over there once a week or so to socialize with Fenway. The first time I called his foster family was about 4 days after he arrived there. The lady who answered the phone said that she was ready for me to come get him immediately, I asked her why and she said she didn't realize he was such a large dog. Apparently, she thought a Lab/Husky mix was a small breed *rolls eyes*. She then went on to tell me that she had put him in the backyard as soon as she got him home and had not talked to him or anything since then, she was so scared she even threw food on the patio for him from inside the house. I immediately called my mom to see if she would be willing to watch him for us (We by now had found a house but were not moving in for a month). My mother, God bless her, willingly agreed, and we went to pickup Fenway. Fenway stayed with my family for a month (during that time he jumped through a window, had EXTREME seperation anxiety, peed CONSTANTLY, broke their screen in their door, tore up their kitchen floor, and terrorized their 14 year old chocolate lab). By the time we brought him to our new home we weren't sure what to expect. He has been completely cured of his seperation anxiety, but still has moments of "peeing pleasure", and has a terrible habit of digging our entire backyard. Given all of those things, he is the best dog anyone could ever ask for. He is completely loyal, loving and thankful for us being willing to give him a chance. He is still a "puppy" at around 2 years old, but has come a long way from the dog we adopted 6 months ago.

Well, I guess this is enough of "story time" for always comments/questions/critics welcome :). Have a great night....



Hello everyone (or for the one person who may actually be reading this). This is my first attempt at a blog....I have heard they are a great way to keep people up to date on the goings on of a daily life, so I figured I may as well see how I do. Please feel free to comment, laugh, cry...whatever the blog leads you to express. I will try my best to entertain each of you with utmost honesty and as much fun as possible. I will attempt to do more later, however at the moment I am at work, and should probably (keyword here is PROBABLY) be doing something more productive then typing out my musings on a blog. Until next time....
