Thursday, September 24, 2009

She's a girl!!!!!!!!

Well we had our 2nd ultrasound on Monday, Sept 21st and there is no doubt that our little one is a girl. This ultrasound tech was SOOOO much better than the first one, she got us more pictures of our little princess and assured us 100% that Avonlea is in fact a girl. We are so excited!!!!! I have attached a picture of Avonlea from the latest ultrasound, I love her little nose!!!! Can't wait to meet her!!!


Thursday, September 17, 2009


Well I just realized that I never updated the blog about the u/s results....well, we were told by the ultrasound tech that "She could not guarantee us that the baby is a girl, but she could guarantee us that it's not a boy", what does that mean!?! We also got to watch the baby moving around a bit and got about 10 pictures to take home. When we talked to the doctor afterward she said that the u/s tech is not a good one, and that there were a few things they were not able to get measurements of during the u/s. So we have another u/s scheduled for this coming Monday, September 21st. We are very excited to be able to see the baby again and hopefully get a "confirmation" on the gender. We have already gotten quite a few little outfits from Mom and Mom D, not to mention we found a baby book and a "coming home" outfit for a girl. We are really excited and hoping it is a girl since that is what we were told, but I have kept the tags/receipts for everything "just in case". Oh well, hopefully we will know more after the u/s on Monday!!

Friday, September 4, 2009

HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!

Well........TODAY IS THE DAY!!!! We have our u/s at 2pm today....right now it is 5:48am and I could not sleep LOL. We had a great day yesterday, we finally got the furniture that I posted about last post. It is beautiful!!! N and I stayed up until after midnight assembling the crib and getting the room straight, tonight we are having everyone over to announce the gender of baby!!! My biggest fear is that baby won't cooperate and that we won't be able to tell if it's a boy or a girl, but I am trying not to dwell on it :) I am just excited to finally be able to watch baby move and see how big it has grown!!! Oh well, just wanted to post an update!!!