Well I just realized that I never updated the blog about the u/s results....well, we were told by the ultrasound tech that "She could not guarantee us that the baby is a girl, but she could guarantee us that it's not a boy", what does that mean!?! We also got to watch the baby moving around a bit and got about 10 pictures to take home. When we talked to the doctor afterward she said that the u/s tech is not a good one, and that there were a few things they were not able to get measurements of during the u/s. So we have another u/s scheduled for this coming Monday, September 21st. We are very excited to be able to see the baby again and hopefully get a "confirmation" on the gender. We have already gotten quite a few little outfits from Mom and Mom D, not to mention we found a baby book and a "coming home" outfit for a girl. We are really excited and hoping it is a girl since that is what we were told, but I have kept the tags/receipts for everything "just in case". Oh well, hopefully we will know more after the u/s on Monday!!