I am so excited. I was very lucky a few months ago and was given a brand new Graco Snugride Infant Carseat. I was thrilled.....until I found out that you cannot buy the matching stroller for the travel system. I did find out that Graco has a "frame-like" stroller that is made specifically for the infant carseats, where you just snap it in and go. WELLLL.....today I was returning home from running errands and around the corner from me was a Graco "frame" stroller on the curb!!!! I parked at the house, threw my groceries inside and ran (well not really but walked fast) over to the house to ask if the stroller was for the trash. I knocked on the door and the lady said I was welcome to it, that her brother had lived with them and left it. I looked it over and it's in EXCELLENT condition!!!!!!!!! I was soooooooo thrilled I took it home and tried my carseat in it and it worked PERFECTLY!!!!!!! That saved me about $90!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!