Yay it's another weekend!!!! Unfortunately Thursday and Friday were warm and sunny, and now that it's Saturday its cloudy, rainy and cold :(. Oh the irony. I wanna have a nice relaxing weekend, so I just swept the house, started a load of laundry and picked up stuff that was lying around. Now I can go do something fun!! LOL....I think today I will go tanning (covering my face this time, since I looked like I was eternally blushing last time)...and go visit Mom and Dad...I sure hope they are home!!! :). Oh well. Hope everyone has a great weekend, get your chores done then go do something fun!!!!!!! HEY THAT RHYMED!!!!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Ho hum

Well I'm just sitting here watching the minutes tick before I have to leave for work (14 minutes to go!!)...yesterday N. and I quit our World of Warcraft subscriptions. Now, I know for most of you out there this would be a laughable topic...but for us, we have played for over 4 years, some of the guys we play with have become like an online family. I literally cried as we said goodbye to each of our characters, and with the help of some friends, were able to leave them in a "final resting place" that would suit each character individually. I also was the guild leader for one of the best guilds, in my opinion, on the server we played on. Because of that, over the coarse of 4 years I have gotten to know some of the neatest people that I never would have had the pleasure of meeting. Luckily, one of our loyal members was willing to "take charge" of the guild for me so I didnt have to delete it, and delete the 2+ years of memories. He is also leaving mine and N.'s characters as officers (or occifers as we call them) in the guild incase we do decide to play again. It's amazing that that period of our lives is over, atleast for now....amazing how a "game" can become so much a part of your life and the people so much a part of your heart. If any of my guys are reading this....thanks for the memories.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Well I'm off today, so I am sitting here wondering what I should try to do first...my goal today is to get my hair cut, and get Fenway's nails cut. Lots of cutting going on!!! But of course I don't want to look like crap (I washed my hair last night and unless I go through the trouble of flat-ironing it BEFORE my haircut I will like Cousin It). So now I am waiting until 9:00am so I can hopefully get ahold of someone at the hair salon and see if they have any time for me today...whew, busy girl I am. I went tanning yesterday and I swear these people want me to burn up, the last 3 times I've gone they've tried to get me to go in for 15min, I started at 8min...yesterday I did 12, but the girl "accidentally" set the timer for 15. I am a little pale auburn headed girl!!!! If I go in for 15min I would look like a lobster!!!! Luckily I noticed and just let myself out 3min early. Geez, I'm thinking sabatoge, they are trying to sabatoge me!!!!! Oh well, I'm just sitting on my trusty loveseat waiting for the minutes to tick away...happy day everyone!!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Another Day....
I am soooo tired, I don't know why, well I kinda do....I've been trying to cut back on my caffeine intake by switching most of the Diet Pepsi's I drink in a day to Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi...I think it's really leaving me drained. Anyway, N. and I had a GREAT Valentine's Day weekend, we both had Saturday and Sunday off, which was really nice. He started his new job this week and is REALLY enjoying it, which is good to see, for awhile he was just so over the drama at his old company. For the whole 3 people that view this blog please go to: HTTP://www.BISSELL.com/Redirect.asp?RP_id=87515 this week and vote for Fenway as one of Bissell's MVPs, I know I'm such a proud mom. LOL. Oh well, I've got clothes in the washer/dryer, dishes in the dishwasher and am still in my pajamas with less than 3.5 hours to go before work, I better get busy!!!!! Later...
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Weekend Slipping Away...
It's amazing how fast the weekends go. I like to think that even during the week I keep myself busy so I don't leave everything to clog up the weekend. This weekend was a little different though. Yesterday we went to Arlington in memory of N.'s dad's 6 month anniversary of his death. It was a very nice day and we had a nice time. It's amazing how thought provoking just being somewhere as sacred as Arlington is. Later on we went to the Smithsonian Museum of American History and the Museum of Natural History. It was a very long, tiring day, but good overall. Today N. and I took Fenway to the beach to enjoy our 70 degree day. Amazing we have weather this beautiful in FEBRUARY!!! Then we brought him home, had a great lunch and socializing time with mom and dad and then I got my chores done. Dishes, Washing/drying/folding 3 loads of clothes, going to wal-mart, packaging eBay stuff, general cleaning and straightening. So now, I am sitting on the new loveseat we got Friday night (the trusty recliner is in the other room) and filling you in. Hope you have a great rest of your weekend!!!!!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Well I just finished doing one of my Yoga DVDs, it's really amazing how just the simple stretches and poses they have you do really does help you relax and feel rejuvenated. I guess that's why all the yoga instructor's out there still have jobs :). Well I've had a good day so far, got to work, spend some time with mom and dad, come home, eat dinner, do some touch-up painting, play with Fenway, do Yoga, and the night isn't over yet!! :) Oh well, sitting here all comfy and cozy in my trusty recliner snuggled under my OH-SO-WARM Red Sox fleece. Ya'll have a great night!!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Well yesterday N. and I got up relatively early (for us anyway) so we could start painting our living room. We chose a "roasted chestnut" color for our focus wall and another color for the subsequent walls. The "roasted chestnut" was done and looking good so we started on the other walls, as soon as I started applying the paint it was TERRIBLE!!! It was a very distinct "PEACH" color, NOT what we were looking for at all. So we made a quick trip to Wal-mart, got some white paint to cover the boo-boo, and bought a new paint color named "Crisp Toast"...it's PERFECT!!! I <3 the way the room looks. We are still having to do one more layer of paint on the last wall (it wouldn't dry for some reason last night and by 11:30pm we were too tired to care). hehehe. Today I have been taking the tape off the walls/ceilings/baseboards/etc, and found we will have to do a bit of touch-ups but then it should be perfect. I loved getting to spend time with N. and accomplish so much!!
P.S.- please excuse the mess, of course everything is in the middle of the room while we were doing our paintly duties :)
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